Restore fair and just rule of law in Afghanistan.
These women and men led the charge for fair and just rule of law in Afghanistan. For this commitment, they now face persecution and annihilation. By saving their lives we also save the best chance of restoring the rule of law in Afghanistan’s future.

In August 2021, when the Taliban took Kabul, prosecutors, judges, defense lawyers, investigators and human rights attorneys were among the first to face persecution, kidnapping, arrest, torture and execution.

They were hunted not only by the Taliban but also by the vast array of criminals the Taliban freed from jails and encouraged to take revenge on those who had been responsible for prosecuting and punishing them.

Terrorists, rapists, violent thugs who beat and tortured their wives, daughters and unrequited love interests, corrupt politicians all sought vengeance alongside the Taliban who swore to punish those had dared to judge them, failed in defending them, in particular the women who they who defied the gender roles and had fought for their education and their jobs as prosecutors, defenders, investigators and judges.

The Taliban promised no reprisals. They encouraged the broadest possible group of terrorists, rapists, corrupt actors and murderers to seek out the judges, the prosecutors, the defenders and do their worst. They needed little encouragement.
Reported killed, tortured or seriously injured since 2021:
In the news
The coalition
The Coalition was formed to advocate on behalf of Afghan at-risk justice sector individuals with foreign governments to secure safe passage and resettlement.
"International actors should provide protection and safe passage to lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and other actors involved with the legal system, especially women, who are at risk of reprisal and attacks by the Taliban and others"